Managing waste from disposal to prevention – conceptual, empirical and policy perspectives
[2 Ottobre 2013]
Managing waste: all’università di Ferrara un workshop internazionale che si concentra sui rifiuti e la loro corretta gestione
October 7th
(Venue – Via Voltapaletto 11 – Ferrara – Department of economics and management, main lecture hall)
9:30-12:30 – First session
- D’Alisa (Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)) The Political Ecology - Paleari – Zoboli (CERIS CNR Milan) Waste Policy in the EU. Current and future prospects
- D’Amato* – Mazzanti° – Nicolli° – Zoli* (*University Rome Tor Vergata, °University of Ferrara and CERIS CNR) Illegal dumping and enforcement efforts. Evidence from Italian regional data
- O ‘Shea (University of Bath) Do kerbside recycling schemes reduce non-kerbside recycling volumes?
13:00-14:15 Lunch
14:30-17:00 – Second session
- Yamamoto (University of Toyama) Spatial Competition between Two Remote Markets for End-of-life Products
- Bonazzi – Sansoni (ARPA Environmental agency Emilia Romagna) Integrated environmental economic analyses to investigatethe regional waste production
- Abrate (University of Turin) Corruption, Accountability and Efficiency. An Application to Municipal Solid Waste Services (by Graziano Abrate, Federico Boffa, Fabrizio Erbetta e Davide Vannoni)
- Cecere* – Mancinelli§ – Mazzanti§ (*Universitè Paris Sud, §University of Ferrara) Waste prevention and recycling. The role of social norms
- Manello – Ferraris (University of Milan) Environmental efficiency in waste management: an empirical analysis of italian municipalities
Organizer: Massimiliano Mazzanti ( The workshop is funded by IUSS and FAR2012 UNIFE funds