Roberto Parri
Roberto Parri, graduated in mechanical engineering at the University of Pisa in 1978.
After graduation he has worked at an Engineering company (Tecnomare Venice) dealing with marine technology with particular reference to the design of oil platforms.
Afterword he has worked in a society producing electrical components (Arco Plessey) for the start-up of a production line of flywheels magnet for motorcycles.
In 1981 he has been employed by Enel, working at first in the field of drilling technologies and then in pipelines’ design.
In the period 1986-1991 he has managed the installation and commissioning of five geothermal groups of 20 MW and of one group of 60 MW.
In the period 1991-1993 he was responsible for the operations activity of Technical Services (300 people both mechanical and electromechanical).
In the period 1993-1999 he has held the position of head of the technical services inside constructions and maintenance unit; the activity here concerned separation plants, wellheads ,fluids transport lines, power plants.
In the period 1999- 2003 he has been responsible for production and maintenance of geothermal plants of the geographical areas of Larderello and Lago , 27 groups with a total capacity of 600MW.
In the period 2003-2014 he has been working in ENEL GREEN POWER geothermal industry as Head of the Operation Unit where he has been managing the operations of all the Italian geothermal plants.
In the period 2014 -2020 he has been working as a freelancer developing geothermoelectric projects in Kenya where he followed the design, construction and start-up of the Olkaria5 power plant ( 2x80MW units) and the related networks and separation plants on behalf of the STEAM company.
In the same period he was sole director of a district heating company that uses geothermal energy as primary energy
He has always developed the study of evolution of plant technologies related to the use of geothermal energy.
- Applied logistics for a drilling rig transfer and maintenance organisation (Proceedings of world Geothermal congress Florence 1995)
- Problematiche nella progettazione e costruzione saldata dei vapordotti (rivista italiana saldatura 1998)
- Characteristics and performance of chlorine scrubbing systems in the larderelloarea (Proceedings world geothermal congress 2005 Turkey)
- Energy efficiency analysis of district heating using geothermal fluids (proceedings European Geothermal Congress 2007)
- Geotermia non elettrica. L’utilizzo diretto del calore terrestre fra opportunità di risparmio energetico ed ostacoli da superare (ISES – International solar Energy society 2008)
- Hydrogen Sulfide and Mercury Abatement: Development and Successful Operation Of AMIS Technology (GRC transaction Vol. 33 2009)
- Geothermal power plants in Italy: increasing the technological performance (proceedings EGC 2013 Italy)
- Larderello: 100 years of geothermal Power Plant evolution in Italy (Geothermal power generation Developments and Innovation Woodhead Publishing 2016)
- A Remote-Diagnostics and Predictive Maintenance Solution for Geothermal Power Plants (GRC transaction Vol. 44.2020)
- The history of geotherml electric power plants on the Island of Ischia, Italy (Geothermics 89 -2021- 101977)
- Specialization courses
Advanced Management Programme INSEAD ( France )